A Simple Thank You

I was reminded last week the importance of saying “Thank You”.  When I first started working, my supervisor presented me with my first paycheck (yes, it was so long ago that direct deposit was not an option).  When she gave me my paycheck, she thanked me.  Now I thought it should be the other way around and I responded, no Becky, thank you.  She then explained to me that it was important to thank each and everyone of us for the work we did for her, how much she appreciated it and that she was so thankful to have me on her team.  That left quite an impression on me, and I have remembered it ever since.

I like to make a habit of thanking anyone who does anything out of the ordinary for me.  I even thank my staff when they complete assignments or provide me with information that is part of their daily work.  I thank the cashier when I purchase something.  I thank a waitstaff person when they fill my water glass or place food in front of me.  A simple thank you means the world to the one you are thanking.  Even if it doesn’t, it shows that you appreciate them and what they did or are doing for you. 

Now let me take this a step further.  When I receive a gift from someone, I will let them know I received it and will thank them for it.  Otherwise, they will never know if I received it.  Recently, I sent some gift cards.  I heard from two of the three recipients.  One person emailed me and thanked me.  The other person called and made a big deal about the gift.  They couldn’t believe I did that and truly showed genuine appreciation for the gift.  While not looking for that response, it sure made me feel even better that I sent them the gift. By the way, the gift was a thank you to them and yet they responded so nicely.  Now the third person that was sent the gift, never responded.  After hearing from the other two, I decided to send them a message and asked if they had gotten a card from me recently.  All I got back from them was an affirmation they received it but nothing else. 

I know that not everyone has the same philosophy that I do when it comes to a simple thank you.  I just wanted to share with you how that simple thank you can make a difference in someone’s life and to consider those two simple words the next time someone does something nice for you.

Barbara Flynn, MS-HR, SPHR, SHRM-SCP

About Barbara Flynn @ All About the People

Human Resource Consultant
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