Your State of Mind and How it Affects Your Work

I recently read a quote from Theodore Roosevelt: “Believe you can, and you are half-way there.” When I read the quote, I started to think about its meaning, and I was quickly drawn into a state of analysis and brainstorming about it. “Believe” is the key word in the quote. If we believewe can do something or get to a certain point in our careers or lives, we are half-way there. Why is believing so important?

When we believe in something, it means we accept that this something exists and is true although we don’t have absolute proof of it. Believing is a wonderful thing. It can empower and encourage us to doing things that we would normally not do or be hesitant about doing. A strong belief that we can do something builds confidence in ourselves, and this confidence helps us master challenges that we would not tackle if we wouldn’t believe in a positive outcome of it. Believing-that-we can works like a self-fulfilling prophecy. If we put our mind to it and believe that we can do something, we are programming our brain to think and cause us to act in ways that work towards that belief.

Subconscious mind and conscious mind work together as a powerful team. Time, tools, skills, learning, and guidance to execute a task ultimately get us there. When we are faced with a challenge, there are sometimes doubts, and we question if we can master it. Fear of failure contributes to a mindset that tells us to back away from it rather than tackling it. There is another quote: “Believing gives you wings”. It’s the same concept here. When you believe you can do something, you are well on your way to get there. You will look for ways to get there. You will get creative, and you will try new things to get there. A driving force to continue and to push yourself forward nurtures the prospect of finding the proof that what you are believing in really, truly exists.

Just remember, believe in yourself, and you can accomplish whatever you set out to accomplish.

About Barbara Flynn @ All About the People

Human Resource Consultant
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